التاريخ : 4 / 7 / 2018
RENAC is collaborating with the German Development cooperation (GIZ) to provide practical-orientated training courses and capacity building measures focused on solar energy, in order to develop the capacities PV installers in Egypt. The trainings start in July 2018 until February 2019.
The training program is sponsored by the GIZ development measure “Egyptian-German Joint Committee for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, and Climate change (JCEE)”, in the context of the bilateral cooperation between the Egyptian Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MoERE), and the Federal German Ministry for Development and International Cooperation (BMZ).
This program will offer courses for engineers and installers of Egyptian companies operating in the supply, installation, operation and maintenance of rooftop PV systems (less than 500 kWp).
For details: