Solar Thermal Heating Systems
The project aims to implement a mechanism that support financing the dissemination of solar water heaters in hotels & resorts in Red Sea and Sinai Governorates with total cost of 500,000 US Dollar,A capital cost subsidy of 25% to SWH installations (up to 250 m² for each hotel), to be granted to the hotel.
A decreasing maintenance cost subsidy over a four-year term (4 USD /m2/yr) for the maintenance cost component for the first two years of operation (after the year of warrantee), and (3 USD/m2/yr), for the remaining two years, to be granted to the hotel in order to assure the long-term quality functionality of the installed systems.
The project sarted 2012 as 3820 m² in 30 hotels which represents 76% of the overall area (5000 m²).
Eligibility Procedures for the Hotels
Hotels participating in the project
Eligible Suppliers
The use of solar energy in water heating is one of the most common applications in the world in order to reduce the consumption of electricity and fuel.
The total installed area in Egypt is about 750 thousand m2.
There are about 20 Egyptian companies working in the field of manufacturing, importing, and installation of solar water heaters.